With our current observation of the current trend on Social Medial, We can see that a lot of people are getting so much involved in the current ongoing activities named "STINGY MEN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (S.M.A.N)"
As you can see one can even obtain an Identity Card to show his membership, though it was meant just for fun, it has summoned all manner of seriousness and caused a lot of Social reactions, as the name suggest, "Stingy Men" it is about the male keeping their money from "Females", and the so the Ladies have also gone up with theirs, while still reacting to the other.
Now with these kind of influence, we haven taken advantage for the propagation of the gospel, by pushing ours in and seizing the grounds with the sole aim of leading spreading the Gospel of Christ, letting everyone know that the Rapture of the Church is near and Christ is on His way for a Church without spoilt and no blemish, with this strategy, we could lead a lot of Men to Christ and get them all prepared for the coming of the master.
As you may see, we are already making impact: Within 24hours we have 4356 Views, 966 Usage and 14 Comments and still counting....
You must be born again, and to be born again you must believe in the Name of Jesus and must Confess HIM as your Lord and Saviour just by saying this simple prayer:
LORD, I believe in my heart that you sent Jesus Your Son to die in my place that I may be saved, I believe He was made Sin that in His place I may be justified, I believe He died on the Cross, was buried and resurrected for my sake, therefore I confess Him as my Lord and Saviour from this day onward, Thank you Father, for I am Born Again...
If you just said that Prayer, Congratulations you are now a Child of God....
There's a free gift for you to help you grow your faith in God...
A free Copy of the ebook "Now That You Are Born Again" by Chris Oyakhilome
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You can now obtain you ID Card here .... and join the party...
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