
If you're a Graphic Designer you should read this...

Joseph Charlie
Graphics Designer

Lately the white space has been more dominant in my designs with minimal abstract. Why?The reason is legibility.
I endeavor to give the job enough breathing space thereby making the text seem less stressful and attractive to read.
By Minimal abstract I mean just one or at least two things stand out and grab attention. could be a vector, picture, or even the event tag... That is the abstract. Now asides that one thing, every other thing will be minimal.

This will make the job look less scary to the readers eyes, more attractive, and easy compelling to read.
Below is an example...

I used the ministers to create my abstract and placed it on a gentle background, which mustn't be white though, but must be gentle enough not to contradict the abstract!

Though this job has only a few details but if it were more they'll certainly go below the last details, properly aligned to maintain balance, this balance gives comfort to the eyes.
The abstract is a catch here, eye-friendly and clean. All I did was arrange the photos on a coloured smoke background and then fade the edges, it's that easy.

Finally I made sure to use only two fonts, this is very important, you don't want to use too many fonts on a job, it becomes unsynchronized, thus forcing the reader's brain to have to comprehend all different font patterns, you don't have to stress your reader by any means in a regular e-flyer, so they don't exhaust the attention span allocated to your job trying to understand different fonts.

Now the fonts here are: Monteserrat and Trajan PRO, then I had to use another font on the first 'S' in obsession so it doesn't look too ordinary.
With this pattern your job is Fine, Classy and legible at the same time.
I hope this was helpful.



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