I was compelled to write this after coming across a very beautiful artwork by an aspiring young Lady, Iren Kaykay.
Back in my Primary School days, I made use of a skill I discovered I had while I was at home beside other amazing things I could do.
This skill was "SKETCHING", It interest me to realize that whenever I pick up a pencil and a book or piece of paper, the first thing that comes to my mind as a prompt is "Sketch".
This skill was "SKETCHING", It interest me to realize that whenever I pick up a pencil and a book or piece of paper, the first thing that comes to my mind as a prompt is "Sketch".
I was loving it, and the fact that a lot of people (neighbours inclusive) commended the work made me even more excited to keep up with it.
In my early Secondary School days, when I got admitted into JSS1 at Community Secondary School Abuloma, (not ashamed to mention it), I met lot of Students form various Schools who also got admitted into my Class and Arm JSS 1A, several of them were sketchers too, so we mingled.
We Sketched and had special sketch comic books, friends usually gather to see and compare our work.But as time goes our grades drops and our interest in lectures lessen especially mine, it didn't seem to bother me until I started having issues with some Teachers who initially picked interest in me and my simplicity, my sketch was gradually becoming a substitute for my studies, it was disturbing so I dropped the pencil and never picked it up, I made the right decision dropping the pencil but it became wrong when I never picked it up, that's how I lost interest and let die what God accredited to me.
My point: When you discover a new skill inherent in you, you don't let it die because it tends to contradict with something more important at the moment, you should rather, make out time to improve on it, it wasn't given to distract you but to help you improve, grow and build a better Curriculum Vitae (CV).
So when you discover a gift or new talent in you, Take it, Embrace it, Improve on it and Impact your Society with it because that's the way to appreciate God.
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